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What's the Easiest Vegetable to Grow Indoors?

What's the Easiest Vegetable to Grow Indoors?

Gardening comes with numerous benefits both physical and mental. It promotes exercising and encourages healthy eating. Gardening can also help relieve stress and anxiety, prolong attention span, and improve your mood. But, gardening can also be a bit difficult (if not impossible) when the garden beds are covered in snow and it's freezing outside.

Should you just give this activity up during the winter?

Not at all!

You can grow fresh produce indoors too. You just need a few tools and a list of vegetables that thrive indoors.


What's the Easiest Vegetable to Grow Indoors?

While you can grow almost any vegetable indoors, from chilly peppers and tomatoes to carrots and even potatoes, it may be a good idea to start with a veggie that doesn't require that much work.

That's why our first recommendation would be to plant lettuce greens.

Lettuce is incredibly easy to grow indoors. It doesn't require too much space - a sunny window and a medium-sized container will suffice. Don't worry about spacing the seeds as the plant will grow very well even when the germs are close together.

You will be able to harvest the leaves in about 30 days and the plant will continue to grow, giving you more lettuce with very little work on your side.

 If you want a richer indoors garden, here are other veggies that require little effort to grow:

  • Celery
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell peppers
  • Radishes
  • Scallions
  • Green onions
  • Baby carrots


How to Set up Your Indoors Garden

All these vegetables require well-drained soil, nutrients, and light (at least five to six hours of sunlight during the winter.) You can invest in a few grow lights and put them near the pots if you don't have the right set up and are afraid that your vegetables aren't getting enough sunlight.

Depending on the type of veggie you are growing, you can plant them in pots, containers, or even plastic dishes or pans. Always make sure that the soil drains well. Otherwise, you risk saturating it with water and killing your plants.

Make sure to use potting soil and not gardening soil since they are formulated for different applications.


Over to You

It may look like an intimidating project at first, but growing veggies indoors isn't as difficult as it may seem. You just need a few tools, a good setup, and some good tips and tricks and you can enjoy your indoor garden for months to come.

Do you need tools, supplies, or just some tips for indoor gardening? The Soil King can help. Shop online now and find a wide array of products for your gardening project.


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